
martes, 11 de septiembre de 2012

justicia poética

Gilligan, Bryan Cranston y Aaron Paul en el rodaje del episodio final de la cuarta temporada. Foto de Movies Yahoo.

Si quedaban dudas acerca de los vínculos de Breaking Bad con Scarface, o si resultaba poco clara la asociación entre la serie y las muertes de los niños, en fin, todas las cosas que venimos desarrollando en este blog, acá y acá Vince Gilligan, creador de BB, lo explica con lujo de detalles. 
Dice, por ejemplo:

—When you introduced Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass in Season 3, was there a plan that the book could be Walt's undoing? Is this poetic justice for Gale? -- Fulminate
I like the idea of Gale's poetic justice from beyond the grave. The writers and I love the idea of revisiting previous moments in the show because we love the idea that all actions have consequences. We know that in our day-to-day lives, but very often in television storytelling characters say things or they do things and a particular episode ends and there's not necessarily much in the way of resonance. On this show, we very much like a character's actions to have repercussions in ways that we identify with in real life. And to that end, we love revisiting these old moments, and Walt Whitman's poetry was something that Gale Boetticher loved. It touched his heart and he wanted to share it with his new friend and mentor Walter White. And unfortunately the sharing of it and Walt keeping this book in hindsight proved to be a bit unwise.

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