Como en la primera, claro, se trata de cómo vivimos hoy pero visto desde el futuro inmediato. Nos gusta, claro, pero suena un poco como esta declaración de Slavoj Zizek: «Since
I am a psychoanalyst, the question which interests me, of course, is:
how do the new electronic media affect our notions of sexuality? The
problem that lurks in the background is: How we are to propel again
the desire to copulate today, in an age when, due to its direct
accessibility, i.e. due to the lack of obstacles that would heighten
its value, the sexual object is more and more depreciated – or, to
quote Freud's classic formulation: “The psychical value of erotic
needs is reduced as soon as their satisfaction becomes easy. An
obstacle is required in order to heighten libido; and where natural
resistances to satisfaction have not been sufficient men have at all
times erected conventional ones so as to be able to enjoy love.”»
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